Geez, I get the blog set up, and there it sits.  Ignored.  There's a good reason, though:  we're moving this weekend!  Both our house and my office will now be located on the other side of Durham - while this won't affect most of you, it DOES affect me and my crazy brain/schedule/packing muscles, which is why things at AHP are running a little slower these days.  Bear with me for a tiny bit longer as we shuffle boxes, furniture, and camera equipment.  It'll be worth it in the end, I promise... Wait till y'all see the new preview area.

However, since that area does not yet exist, here's a peek at some precious little girls:

Someone was slightly less than impressed in the beginning of our session...
But things brightened up considerably when Daddy broke out the tickles!
Big sister LOVED watching Mama and Daddy do their "talent show" (as did the rest of Duke Gardens!)
But I think she preferred having her Mama all to herself.
See?  Told you they were cute.  Just wait till I get these pretty faces on the new walls... stay tuned!


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Copyright 2009 | Annie Harrison Photography