Well, hello there!

Several weeks ago, when I redesigned my AHP main site, I included a blog button on the intro page, thinking that I'd get one up "as soon as things settled down a little." Of course, NOTHING has settled down (more on that later) but I decided to actually join the year 2002 and get this thing done. So TADAA! Here it is! Consider this a preview site for your sessions, a place to read news about AHP and upcoming events and promotions, and sound off on how completely nuts you think I am. Okay, maybe not that last.

The client with the (small, but real!) honor of being highlighted first? Baby J:

Aside from being fellow Baltimore Metro people (hello, Catonsville!), J's parents are just really fun folks. We dragged the studio set up to their third floor bonus room, set up, moved things around, and basically rearranged their lives for a day - and everyone, including the two dogs, looked super.

Thanks, guys, and I hope you enjoy your pics!


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Copyright 2009 | Annie Harrison Photography